The Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (JNphi) aims and scopes

"Journal of NeuroPhilosophy", a new journal designed to bring you a critical analysis from the best of the neuroscience and philosophy literature all around the world, presented by the pioneer neuroscientists and (neuro)philosophers to help promoting a better comprehension of NeuroPhilosophy in the global scientific system. Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (ISSN 1307-6531, registered July 4, 2007) is dedicated to supporting interdisciplinary exploration of Philosophy and its relation to the nervous system. Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (JNphi) focuses on studying “The Ontology and Nature of the Mind” and “its relation to the brain & body”. The Journal of NeuroPhilosophy (JNphi) publishes review articles, opinion and perspectives, and original articles, book review, commentaries on articles including but not limited to the following fields:
NeuroPhilosophy and Cognitive Science
Artificial intelligence, logic, behaviorism, cognition, embodied concepts, connectionism, consciousness, emotion, experimental philosophy, folk psychology as a theory anda mental simulation, free will, innate/acquired distinction, contemporary theories of cognition, intentionality, language of thought hypothesis, learning, memory, mental content, causal theories, mental imagery, mental representation, mind/brain identity theory, computational theory of mind, moral psychology, philosophy of agency, consciousness higher-order theories, consciousness representational theories, consciousness unity, mental representation, knowledge argument, qualia, zombies
NeuroEthics and Moral
Moral and political philosophy, autonomy, personal bias, implicit decision-making capacity, biomedical and clinical research, ethics in justice, inequality, health and ethics, privacy and medicine, ethics in human enhancement, moral responsibility, personal identity and ethics, human cloning, contract law, decision-making capacity
Neuroesthetics, aesthetic perceptions, aesthetic experiences at the neurological level, perceptual psychology, neurological deficits, functional brain anatomy, evolutionary biology and evolutionary meaning of beauty, link between specific brain areas and artistic activity, aesthetic enjoyment, aesthetic values, sensory-motor-emotion-valuation, and meaning-knowledge in aesthetics, art-beauty experiences and brain
NeuroPhilosophy and Free will
Action, agency, causation, compatibilism, fatalism, freedom and divine, free will and foreknowledge, incompatibilism, nondeterministic theories of free will, moral responsibility, free will and quantum mechanics
Neurotheology: Spirituality, brain and religion
spiritual neuroscience, prayer, intention, self-consciousness, spiritual awe, oneness with the universe, eligious studies, religious experience and practice, philosophy, cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, and anthropology, God in the brain, causal function, Willfulness and orienting function, Reflections on neurotheology and neuroscience, scientific information is in understanding the link between spirituality and health, mystical experiences and brain, perception time, fear or self-consciousness have dissolved, spiritual awe, oneness with the universe, ecstatic trance, sudden enlightenment, altered states of consciousness
Quantum Mechanics and Mind/Conscioussness
Conscioussness and measurement problem, Bohmian mechanics, quantum mechanics collapse theories, quantum mechanics Copenhagen interpretation, Everett’s relative-state formulation and many-worlds interpretation, quantum mechanics and modal interpretations, quantum mechanics and role of decoherence
NeuroGenetic and Neurobiology
Decission making, free will, altruism in neuroscience, biological individuals, philosophy of causation, Darwinism, developmental neurobiology, health and well-being, personal relationships, ethics and biomedical theory, eugenics, feminist philosophy, interventions and bioethics, philosophy of neurobiology, genotype-phenotype distinction, heritability and neurobiology, human enhancement, human genome project, levels of organization in biology, neuroethics and neurobiology, reduction, sociobiology
Paranormal Belief and Brain
Critical thinking and belief in the paranormal, déjà vu experiences, Spirituality and epileptic-like signs, How psychotic-like are paranormal beliefs, Paranormal beliefs and religiosity, dopaminergic gene and belief, paranormal mind, Neuroimaging and EEG, neuropsychiatry of paranormal experiences, Paranormal belief and schizotypy, temporal lobe and paranormal experiences, Paranormal beliefs and religiosity, experience of altered states of consciousness, Why we believe, Believing in paranormal phenomena, cognition and belief in paranormal phenomena, Investigating paranormal phenomena, neurobehavioral and neurometabolic (SPECT, PET, fMRI) correlates of paranormal information, and also mind-body interactions
Death, Brain Death, Afterlife and Survival
Life as a substance, life as an event, death, death and suspended vitality, being dead, resurrection, death and existence, criteria for death, identity, personal identity, suicide, afterlife, survival and its alternatives, possibility of survival—dualism, objections to the possibility of survival—materialism, parapsychology and near-death experiences, metaphysical considerations concerning survival, ancient theories of soul, euthanasia, neurophilosophical view that consciousness and mind can continue after death, immortality possibilities,transfer of consciousness to machine, eternal life and mind, cryopreservation and ethics.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence and logic, causation, Chinese room argument, computability and complexity in the brain, epistemology and Bayesian approach, moral values, language of thought hypothesis, learning theory, linguistics and computation, mind and computational theory, reasoning, Turing test, computing and moral responsibility, information technology and moral values, information technology and privacy, social networking and ethics.
Folk psychology, functionalism, mental content and teleological theories, mind/brain identity theory, reduction, functionalism, identity theory, history of dualism, internalism and externalism, generel mind-body problems, naturalism, ontology and self, analytic philosophy, Mind in Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, NeuroEpistemology, formal logic, NeuroPhenomenology.
Image: Plato's Academy mosaic was created in the villa of T. Siminius Stephanus in Pompeii, around 100 BC to 79 AD.The mosaic has been interpreted to depict as the central figure Plato pointing with a stick at the globe. Mattusch 2008 suggests for the other figures, the Greek philosophers and scholars: Thales, Anaxagoras, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Democritus, Eudoxus, Euctemon, Callippus, Meton, Philippus, Hipparchus, and Aratus.
"We have a habit in writing articles published in scientific journals to make the work as finished as possible, to cover up all the tracks, to notworry about the blind alleys or describe how you had the wrong idea first, and so on. So there isn't any place to publish, in a dignified manner,what you actually did in order to get to do the work."
- Richard Feynman, In his Nobel Lecture, 1966.